
We are getting closer to the end of the ACT project, which has supported the development of the GenBUDGET CoP for more than two years. Despite the challenges created by Covid-19, the CoP members have found ways to continue their work and grow the community.

For more than two years, the ACT project has supported the GenBUDGET CoP to grow as a community.

May 25th, the GenBUDGET CoP had its third webinar on "Gender biases and gender budgeting in research organisations during Covid-19". The webinar is part of GenBUDGETs “Sharing our struggles” webinar series, that has the aim of enhancing the knowledge of gender biases in decision making at RPOs.

Aurelija Novelskaite, Vilnius University, Lithuania

If you are interested in participating, you can join us through the following link:

Sveinn Guðmundsson
University of Iceland

February 23rd, the GenBUDGET CoP had its second webinar on "Gender biases and gender budgeting in research organisations during Covid-19".

If you are interested in participating, you can join us through the following link:

Our CoP member Joan and her colleagues at the Ulster University are presenting the results of a Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) funded Gender Budgeting in Northern Ireland project at a webinar on Thursday 25th February, 10.30-noon.
Admittedly, I anticipated that contacting stakeholders at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) to collect information about SDU’s budgeting would be an uphill battle with some suspicious reactions, or worse, to be expected.

During the CoP’s last two Zoom meetings (November 2020 and January 2021) the CoP has focused on discussing the process and outcome of the TIPs.

Together with their colleagues at the University of Birmingham, the CoP members Fiona Carmichael and Scott Taylor are organising the the event: “International perspectives on progress towards and barriers to reaching workplace equality: A morning workshop organized by University of Birmingham wit

We are happy to announce new GenBUDGET CoP members:

Today the GenBUDGET CoP had its first webinar on gender biases and gender budgeting in research organisations.

by María Tereda Alameda (UC3M) and Daniel Pérez del Prado (UC3M)

Today October 30, the annual Conference in Social Sciences "Þjóðarspegillinn" is held at the University of Iceland. The aim of the conference is to introduce and share interesting research material from a broad spectrum within the Social Sciences in Iceland.
I hope you have had a great job week. Before we go on weekend I would like to give you a tip on a really good resoruce for gender and research: The European Commission´s toolkit on gender in research.
An important actor when it comes to distribution of research funds in Sweden is the Swedish Research Council. Their policy is to evaluate all applications objectively and on a gender-neutral basis.
Hi everyone!
Sometimes it feels like everything has changed ‘since Covid’; at other moments, it’s easier to think that nothing has changed, or certainly not for the better. This is especially the case for gender equality in research organizations.

On August 21, the Icelandic Political Science Association and the Sociology Association in Iceland held a joint conference in cooperation with the Institute of Public Administration and Politics. Three research papers, related to the ACT Project, were presented:

After a re-energizing summer break the GenBUDGET CoP is ready to continue the work. Due to the development of COVID-19, it was again decided to postpone the meeting in Iceland. It is now planned to take place January 7, 2021, provided that the situation gets better.

As explained in previous blogs, the GenBUDGET CoP planned a workshop in Iceland in the beginning of April. The aim of the workshop was to consolidate the interests and needs of the existing members into a plan of action for the reminder of the project.

Since our face-to-face meeting in January 15 at DESY, Hamburg, the GenBUDGET CoP has been planning a workshop, which was scheduled April 1-3, 2020. Due to the unforeseen circumstances created by the COVID-19, the workshop was cancelled until September 7-9, 2020.

Due to the unforeseen circumstances created by the COVID-19 the GenBUDGET workshop has been cancelled until September 7-9, 2020.
We hope that you all keep your health during these challenging times.

January 14-15, 2020, the GenBUDGET CoP had its first face-to-face meeting at DESY headquarters in Hamburg.

We invite you to follow the University of Iceland's Gender Studies Twitter account where you can find regular updates of the GenBUDGET community of practice:

January 14-15, 2020, GenBUDGET CoP will have the first face-to-face meeting at DESY headquarters in Hamburg. The focus will be on the progress of the TIPs and how we want to continue our work.

On December 6th, Finnborg discussed research on universities funding and management at the University of Iceland. Her presentation was part of the lecture tour "Þekking til sölu? Markaðsvæðing akademíunnar" or "Knowledge for sale?

The GenBUDGET CoP is supported by the Horizon 2020 project ACT along with six other Communities of Practice (CoPs). The ACT project aims at accelerating gender equality and institutional change in research and innovation across Europe.

Second online meeting discussed the approaches to gender impact assessment.

Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdótir made a video about gender budgeting. In the video she discusses the experiences from the University of Iceland. See here:

Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdótir made a video about gender budgeting. In the video she discusses the background and application of the strategy in research organisations. See here:

Great first meeting last week! Thanks for participating and sharing your ideas. Our next meeting is scheduled in November.

The first online meeting of the GenBUDGET CoP will be September 24 at 15.00 (CEST time)
The focus will be: Discussion on the selection of a TIP

Separate Skype meetings have been held with all the CoP members to discuss ideas for Targeted Implementation Project (TIP) and potential ACT support activities. It was great to meet all the CoP members and hear their ideas!

The first video meeting is scheduled in September: discussion on the selection of a TIP