November 2019

The GenBUDGET CoP is supported by the Horizon 2020 project ACT along with six other Communities of Practice (CoPs). The ACT project aims at accelerating gender equality and institutional change in research and innovation across Europe.
The seed partners...

Second online meeting discussed the approaches to gender impact assessment.
- We had a guest: Freyja Barkardóttir, a project manager at the City of Reykjavík.
- Daniel Pérez del Prado gave a short presentation in the meeting about the approaches of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid....

Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdótir made a video about gender budgeting. In the video she discusses the experiences from the University of Iceland. See here:

Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdótir made a video about gender budgeting. In the video she discusses the background and application of the strategy in research organisations. See here: