January 14-15, 2020, the GenBUDGET CoP had its first face-to-face meeting at DESY headquarters in Hamburg.
At this lunch-to-lunch meeting we utilised the ACT co-creation toolkit (https://genbudget.act-on-gender.eu/tools/toolkits), which is designed to help CoPs operate, develop, implement gender equality plans, gender equality measures and activities, and facilitate institutional change in relation to GE in HE and R&I. The CoP members had really good and fruitful conversation about the progress of their projects and how we want to continue our work
Day 1:
The first method we applied was “Let’s break the ice”, where everyone told three things about themselves, two which are the truth and one that is a lie. The method is quite helpful and made everyone relax and laugh.
After a good laugh, the CoP members discussed the progress of the TIPs. Every CoP member got a chance to introduce their approach to GIA, if there has been any facilitating factors or hindrances in the approach to GIA, and the finding of their GIA.
The method “Critical Uncertainties” (https://genbudget.act-on-gender.eu/toolkits/critical-uncertainties) was applied to address critical thinking about the GIA and to discuss what challenges we might encounter and what is the best way to respond to them. The CoP members were divided into three groups to discuss:
- Think of the most fatal uncertainty/challenge you might face or are already facing in the Gender Impact Assessment of your Targeted Implementation Projects.
- Each group had to identify the two most critical uncertainties/challenges.
- Each group had to think of a scenario and come up with a catchy name for each of the four quadrants.
- Each group wrote down on post-its three strategies that could be used in each scenario.
- Each group presented their scenarios and shared their strategies.
The following images demonstrate the groups’ work and outputs.
Group discussion
The yellow group: Sveinn (University of Iceland), Katrarina (Örebro university) Angela (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Green group: Eva Sophie (University of Southern Denmark) and Daniel (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Blue group: Aurelija (Vilniaus universitetas Kauno fakultetas), Peter (University of Southern Denmark) and Silvia (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)
Day 2:
The CoP’s second day began with a presentation from the GENERA CoP (https://twitter.com/GENERA_H2020).
Lisa and Thomas discussed their CoP’s history and how they have managed to stay active since 2014. It was nice to have their insights on the CoP’s lifecycle.
The method “Plan of Change” was applied at the meeting second day. The CoP members were divided into 2 groups to discuss critical thinking about surrounding conditions that influence how we challenge gender biases in decision-making by the means of Gender Budgeting. How to make change happen? What action do we need to take? And why? After completing 2 out of 5 steps of Plan of Change it was decided to skip the rest of the method and focus on discussion about the results of the meeting and the CoP’s next steps. The following images reflect the groups work on the first two steps of the method:
Group 1 (Silvia, Eva Sophie, Sveinn and Katarina)
Group 2 (Angela, Daniel, Peter and Aurelija)